For my project, I had planned on creating artwork that demonstrated and represented the extinction of wolves. Being how they are on one of the most endangered animals on the list, I wanted to bring awareness to this serious issue that's taking place.
Most scientists say that the main cause of their inevitable fate is in conflict with people over livestock loss, intensitive predator control programs, and loss of habitat. Others may speculate and say their future extinction is a result of a long belief that they were dangerous to humans, and in return we attacked them. On the other hand, the wolves aren't normally the first to attack. Their first instinct is to flee from a human after years of living next to us, they fear us and have no reason to attack. So by this, means that the decrease in their population is all due to human interference.
Another cause that I've had discovered for this disaster, and one I've mainly based my final product off of, was the fire control. As stated already above, this also includes the loss of habitat. By having the wolf be blended in with the grass, its meant to symbolize the connection between the two. And when showing it catching ablaze, it means that not only is the ecosystem that is dying but the animals within that environment as well. Forest fires are a simple cause that can be fixed through responsibility and actually checking to make sure that campfire is truly put out before leaving it.
Step-By-Step Progress Throughout:
Rough Draft:

Starting To Paint:

Adding a Bit More Color:

Final Idea/Artwork:

Zoomed-In Detailed Pictures: